It is our company’s enterprise ideology that the company’s survival and development are causedon ly by the best quality and customer satisfaction and we arrange our Quality Management Department in the front line for the achievement of this ideology. We are actively performing the environment friendly customer satisfaction activity through the TS-16949 quality management system and ISO-14000 environment management system. Also, we possess many inspection tester including contact and non-contact 3D measuring equipment and perform a perfect quality assurance activity from the mold development to until delivered to customers. And we are leading the improvement activity with the ceaseless diagnosis and the failure recurrence prevention



Measuring equipment



We possess many inspection tester including contact and non-contact 3D measuring equipment and are doing our beston precision measurement and quality assurance activity.


Quality Assurance Activity



We are activating ceaseless diagnosis and the improvement activity to preventing the recurrence and doing our beston quality assurance activity.


Realization of customer satisfaction through complete quality assurance



 We are leading the companywide quality management activity for the best customer satisfaction.